2023-09-04 09:35:52 文章来源:安徽成人高考网
1. 网上报名时间:9月4日至9月8日,每天8:00-22:00。
2. 网上报名网址:2023年我省成人高考网上报名唯一官方网址为:crbm.ahzsks.cn,考生在报名前应仔细甄别网址真伪,并由本人按照网上报名步骤进行操作,不得由他人或机构代为进行网上报名。
1. 考生一般应在户口所在地报名。确因工作等原因需在我省报考的外省户籍考生,须持有效的《安徽省居住证》(或电子居住证)进行网上报名,居住证有效期限的起始时间应在2022年9月4日(含)至2023年9月10日(含)之间,考试地点选择发证公安机关所在地市。省内跨市异地报考相关要求由各市招生考试机构明确,请考生按照各市公告要求报考。
2. 报考专科起点升本科考生必须已取得经教育部审定核准的国民教育系列高等学校、高等教育自学考试机构颁发的专科(及以上)毕业证书。2024年春季毕业的应届专科毕业生须持所在学校出具的《2024年春季专科毕业生证明》进行报名。
3. 现役军人考生须持本人有效《居民身份证》、《士兵证》(或《军官证》)以及所在部队团级以上政治工作部门出具的同意报考证明(证明为驻报考市部队的现役军人)报考,网上填报信息时,职业类别需选择“军人”。
4. 在中国定居并符合报名条件的港澳居民持本人有效《港澳居民来往内地通行证》或《港澳居民居住证》、台湾居民持本人有效《台湾居民来往大陆通行证》或《台湾居民居住证》、外国侨民持本人有效《外国人永久居留身份证》,到所居住的市级招生考试机构现场报名。
5. 报名采用考生身份证号码和手机号码唯一性认证,一个身份证号码仅能绑定一个手机号码且只能报名一次,考生须本人通过发送的手机短信验证码完成系统注册和登录。所有考生应保证手机号码真实、有效,确保通信畅通。
6. 考生在网上报名系统(推荐使用PC端,推荐浏览器见报名首页)中注册成功后,按照网页提示,阅读省、市报考公告,选择考试地点,填报个人基本情况和报考学校、专业志愿等信息,并妥善保管好个人信息。填报完毕后,考生须认真核对填报信息,核对无误后提交(报名信息一经提交,不得更改),并上传有关材料。
1. 考生网上报名时须上传本人近三个月内正面、免冠、无妆、彩色2寸电子照片(详细要求见附件一)。
2. 考生上传材料时间为9月4日至9月8日(每天8:00-22:00),需要补交材料的截止时间为9月10日17:00。
学习推荐:2023年安徽省成人高考图书教材 网课学习
?“The world’s environment is surprisingly healthy. Discuss.” If that were an examination topic, most students would tear it apart, offering a long list of complaints: from local smog to global climate change, from the felling (砍伐) of forest to the extinction of species. The list would largely be accurate, the concern legitimate. Yet the students who should be given the highest marks would actually be those who agreed with the statement. The surprise is how good things are, not how bad.
After all, the world’s population has more than tripled during this century, and world output has risen hugely, so you would expect the earth itself to have been affected. Indeed, if people lived, consumed and produced things in the same way as they did in 1900 (or in 1950 or in 1980), the world by now would be a pretty disgusting place: smelly, dirty, toxic, and dangerous.
But they don’t. The reasons why they don’t, and why the environment has not been ruined, have to do with prices, technological innovation, social change and government regulation in response to popular pressure. That is why today’s environmental problems in the poor countries ought, in principle, to be solvable.
Raw materials have not run out, and show no sign of doing so. Logically, one day they must: the planet is a finite place. Yet it is also very big, and man is very ingenious. What has happened is that every time a material seems to be running short, the price has risen and, in response, people have looked for new sources of supply, tried to find ways to use less of the material, or looked for a new substitute. For this reason prices for energy and for minerals have fallen in real terms during the century. The same is true for food. Prices fluctuate, in response to harvests, natural disasters and political instability; and when they rise, it takes some time before new sources of supply become available. But they always do, assisted by new farming and crop technology. The long-term trend has been downwards.
It is where prices and markets do not operate properly that this benign(良性的)trend begins to stumble, and the genuine problems arise. Markets cannot always keep the environment healthy. If no one owns the resource concerned, no one has an interest in conserving it or fostering it: fish is the best example of this.
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